Periodontal Plastic Surgery in Miami, FL

At Lamas Dental Specialists in Miami, Dr. William P. Lamas performs a variety of periodontal plastic surgery procedures to improve the appearance of an individual’s smile. Since it is the whole mouth that creates a beautiful smile, when it comes to periodontal plastic surgery, Dr. Lamas’ goal is to address the issues that are negatively affecting the patient’s smile: Ultimately providing the patient with the beautiful, harmonious smile he or she has always wanted.

Periodontal Plastic Surgery Before & After Photos

Periodontal Plastic Surgery Before & After Photo - William P. Lamas, DMD - Periodontics & Dental Implants. Address: 2645 SW 37th Ave Suite 304, Miami, FL 33133 Phone: (305) 440-4114

Periodontal Plastic Surgery Before & After Photo – William P. Lamas, DMD – Periodontics & Dental Implants


Addressing a Gummy-Looking Smile with Periodontal Plastic Surgery in Miami

If the gum rests too low on a tooth or on multiple teeth the gum line will appear uneven. In addition, the individual’s smile may consist mostly of gum with teeth that appear too short. During a minor periodontal plastic surgery procedure, Dr. William P. Lamas can remove excess gum tissue to reveal more of the tooth/teeth. This procedure is referred to as dental crown lengthening surgery and is usually performed using regional anesthesia.

Periodontal Plastic Surgery with Dr. William Lamas in Miami

Periodontal plastic surgery has become a popular solution for individuals who are looking for a way to improve their smile; however, periodontal plastic surgery procedures are also being used to treat a variety of anomalies, including gingival recession and root exposure as well as the natural deterioration of gum and jawbone that occurs following tooth loss. Many of the issues treated with periodontal plastic surgery are caused by gum disease.

Periodontal Disease (aka Periodontitis or Gum Disease)

Periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss and, according to The American Academy of Periodontology, more than 60 percent of adults in the U.S. who are over the age of 65 have moderate to severe periodontal disease. If an individual has receding gums due to periodontal disease, Dr. Lamas can correct this problem with periodontal plastic surgery.

Understanding Gum Disease

Gum disease is characterized by inflammation in the tissues that surround a tooth. This inflammation occurs as the bacteria within the mouth produce toxins that damage the bone and connective tissue responsible for securing the teeth. Once periodontitis develops, these toxins destroy these vital tissues and bone; thus, promoting tooth loss.

Gingivitis is the First Stage of Gum Disease

If you think you have gingivitis, contact Lamas Dental Specialists today at 305-440-4114 to schedule an appointment. The sooner you seek treatment, the better because once gingivitis begins to progress, the bone may start to recede. Since bone recession cannot be seen with the naked eye, visiting your dentist for biannual cleanings and professional examinations is essential to identifying gum disease in its early stages; thus, preventing permanent damage to your bone and tissues. If permanent damage occurs, some form of periodontal plastic surgery may be necessary to address the damage and improve your smile.

Gum Recession Exposes the Root of the Affected Tooth

Left untreated, gum recession may occur, exposing the root of the affected tooth. Once the root is exposed, tooth sensitivity may be present. Spaces may form between the tooth and the gum; these gaps are referred to as pockets, once these pockets are allowed to develop, bacteria thrive. Pus may be seen in and around these pockets.

Common Signs of Gingivitis

If you have any of the signs listed below, seek treatment at Lamas Dental Specialists in Miami right away; otherwise, at some point in the future, you may need periodontal plastic surgery to address a receding gumline.

Some of the most common signs of gingivitis include:

  • red, swollen gums;
  • consistent bad breath;
  • sensitive gums;
  • loose teeth;
  • bleeding gums; and/or
  • teeth that have shifted.

Causes of gingivitis:

  • Organic Changes in the Mouth

    – when changes occur in an individual’s hormone levels and his or her metabolism, the organic balance in the mouth may be affected. Some common issues affecting hormone levels include the onset of puberty, menopause as well as pregnancy.

  • Improper Dental Hygiene Practices

    – if the biofilm (plaque) that forms on the teeth every day is not removed through daily dental hygiene tartar develops. Tartar is a hard substance that can only be removed by a dental professional. If tartar is not removed, tooth discoloration, periodontal disease, sensitivity and gum recession are likely. For this reason, having a professional dental cleaning twice a year is essential to maintaining a healthy mouth. Left untreated, at some point, periodontal plastic surgery may be necessary to address gum recession.

  • Medical Conditions

    – conditions known to affect the ability of the body to process sugar (i.e., kidney disease and diabetes) may be a factor in the development of periodontal disease.

  • Certain Medications May Cause Gingival Overgrowth

    – certain medications may be responsible for the gingival overgrowth that some patients experience. If this overgrowth is left untreated, it may provide a place for bacteria to thrive.

  • Poor Functional Habits

    – clenching or grinding one’s teeth may cause damage to the tissues within the mouth; thus, contributing to gingival issues.

  • Medicines that Cause an Individual to Have ‘Dry Mouth’

    – medications producing ‘dry mouth syndrome’ may increase the likelihood of gum disease. The flow of saliva assists with washing away the food particles and sugars that bacteria thrive on to create the acids responsible for damaging the teeth. One of the reasons for the increase in periodontal disease in those aged 65 and older may be due to the natural decrease in salivary production that occurs as we age: This decrease makes the senior population more susceptible to dry mouth syndrome than individuals within the other age groups.

  • Genetic Predisposition

    – research indicates that some people may be more susceptible to gum disease than others.

  • Tobacco Users

    – individuals who chew tobacco or smoke cigarettes are at a higher risk of developing periodontal disease.

Treating Gingivitis

At Lamas Dental Specialists, patients who have gingivitis will receive a professional cleaning. During this cleaning, tartar is removed from the teeth.

Mild Periodontitis is the Second Stage of Gum Disease

The gums bleed easier and heavier than they did previously. They may also be more tender. At this stage of periodontal disease, the bone and gum tissue that supports the teeth are under attack. While this stage of the disease is serious, when caught early, further damage can be prevented. If you have these symptoms, contact our office and make an appointment with Dr. William P. Lamas today. He can address the periodontitis and, if necessary, recommend periodontal plastic surgery techniques to restore your smile.

Moderate Periodontitis – The Third Stage of Periodontal Disease

At this stage of periodontal disease, the gums begin to separate from the teeth and plaque begins building up at the bone, the roots as well as the supporting fibers. Pain may be present when you chew, the gums may appear somewhat purple or bright red.

If this stage of periodontal disease develops, irreversible damage to the bone and soft tissue occurs. Pockets begin forming beneath the gumline. These pockets trap food particles and plaque, which provide bacteria the ideal environment for growth. Current damage is irreversible; however, seeking treatment can prevent further damage from occurring. Dr. William P. Lamas recommends that individuals with moderate periodontitis implement biannual professional cleanings and improve their home dental-hygiene regimen. Periodontal plastic surgery techniques may be useful in eliminating the pockets.

Treating Mild and Moderate Periodontitis

The initial step Dr. Lamas uses to treat mild to moderate periodontitis is scaling and root planing. Using this process, deposits of tartar and plaque on the teeth, roots, and beneath the gumline are removed. This procedure helps heal the gum tissue to shrink the gaps between the teeth and the gums. Medications may also be prescribed.

  • Scaling and root planing is a deep cleaning technique

    – this non-invasive procedure is designed to prevent the progression of periodontal disease. During this procedure, bacteria, plaque and other toxins are removed from areas where flossing and brushing cannot reach, including beneath the gumline.

  • Medications

    – antimicrobial mouth rinses and oral antibiotics may be prescribed on a short-term basis to control bacteria growth as well as to treat acute periodontal infection. Some of the other medicinal treatments Dr. Lamas may use include antibiotic gels, microspheres, slow-release antiseptic chips and enzyme suppressants (typically used after scaling and root planing procedures).

Once the gum disease has been addressed, patients may want to learn about the various periodontal plastic surgery procedures available at Lamas Dental Specialists in Miami. With these procedures, Dr. William P. Lamas can improve the function of the patient’s teeth as well as his or her smile.

Severe Periodontitis – The Last Stage of Gum Disease

If an individual has severe periodontitis, he or she experiences bad breath, mouth sores, teeth may begin to loosen and/or shift, and pus may be visible within the pockets on the gum. Once an individual reaches this final stage of gum disease, the support structure of the teeth is severely damaged. This damage can cause the teeth to become loose and/or shift. In cases such as these, aggressive treatment may be necessary; otherwise, the teeth may be lost.

Treating Severe Periodontitis at Lamas Dental Specialists in Miami

Depending on the depth of the pockets, Dr. Lamas may decide to use laser surgery as a means to remove infected tissue and reduce bone damage. By using laser surgery, Dr. William P. Lamas can access hard-to-reach areas where tartar and plaque have accumulated. By regenerating the bone and tissue, the size of the pockets is reduced, which decreases the bacteria’s stronghold in the patient’s mouth. Once this stronghold subsides, some of the existing damage may be repaired.

Dr. William P. Lamas can Treat Jawbone and Soft Tissue Deterioration with Periodontal Plastic Surgery at Lamas Dental Specialists in Miami

Dr. Lamas may use a tissue regeneration technique to promote bone re-growth. He may also use soft tissue grafts to build up and strengthen gums that are too thin.

Guided tissue regeneration:

When guided tissue regeneration is utilized, Dr. Lamas inserts a barrier membrane to direct the growth of bone or gingival tissue. Guided tissue regeneration is typically used at sites where there is an inadequate amount of bone or gingival tissue.

Pocket Elimination Through Periodontal Plastic Surgery

For some patients with gum disease, periodontal plastic surgery procedures may be necessary.

Some of the surgical options available at Lamas Dental Specialists in Miami include:

  • Laser Therapy

    – Dr. William P. Lamas may use lasers to reduce the size of the gap (i.e., pocket) between the teeth and the gums.

  • Periodontal Flap Surgery

    – Dr. Lamas performs this surgery to reduce the size of the pockets between the teeth and gums.

  • Bone Reshaping Surgery

    – if there are inconsistencies in the jawbone that are providing areas for bacteria to grow, a bone-reshaping periodontal plastic surgery may be used to prevent future recolonization in these areas.

Periodontal Plastic Surgery at Lamas Dental Specialists in Miami

The type of periodontal plastic surgery Dr. Lamas recommends is determined by the specific issues a patient is experiencing.

Who Should Consider Periodontal Plastic Surgery with Dr. William P. Lamas in Miami?

If you have gingival recession or your gums are overgrown, you may be a good candidate for periodontal plastic surgery in Miami.

Treating Gingival Recession and Root Exposure with Periodontal Plastic Surgery Techniques

Periodontal Plastic Surgery Techniques available at Lamas Dental Specialists in Miami include:

  • The Pinhole Surgical Technique™ (PST)

    – with the innovative Pinhole Surgical Technique™, Dr. William P. Lamas can address gingival recession without the need for tissue grafts, incisions or sutures.

  • Traditional Gum Grafting

    – during this procedure, Dr. Lamas may remove tissue from the roof of the patient’s mouth (i.e., a Connective-Tissue Graft or a Free Gingival Graft) or from a location close to the exposed root he is covering (i.e., a Pedicle Graft). He uses the tissue he collects to cover the exposed roots along the patient’s gumline.

  • The AlloDerm® Gum Graft

    – when the AlloDerm® gum grafting procedure is used, Dr. William Lamas can perform soft-tissue grafting using a synthetic material constructed from donated human tissue. This tissue is specifically designed to stimulate healing through the promotion of cell growth. Dr. Lamas uses the AlloDerm® tissue to cover the exposed roots.

The Cost of Periodontal Plastic Surgery at Lamas Dental Specialists in Miami

The cost of periodontal plastic surgery depends on a variety of factors, including the technology used during the procedure, the necessary treatment plan and the dental insurance plan a patient has. The only way that Dr. William P. Lamas can determine how much a patient’s periodontal plastic surgery will cost is by performing a thorough examination of his or her teeth and gums.

Preventing Gum Disease

Biannual cleanings, checkups, daily flossing and brushing with a fluoride toothpaste are essential in the fight against gum disease; however, an annual comprehensive periodontal evaluation is just as important.

Schedule an Annual Comprehensive Periodontal Evaluation (CPE)

While biannual dental cleanings and checkups are vital, the health of the gums may not be thoroughly examined during these appointments when performed by a general dentist. For this reason, scheduling an annual comprehensive periodontal evaluation with a specialist like Dr. Lamas is essential to maintaining a healthy mouth.

What Does the CPE Include?

During a comprehensive periodontal evaluation, a patient’s risk of developing periodontal disease is determined and the type of treatment that should be used if periodontal disease develops is established.

The CPE at Lamas Dental Specialists in Miami includes:

  • The Gums are Evaluated

    – how well the gums attach to the teeth will be determined by inserting a dental probe into the spaces between the gum and the teeth. Any bleeding or inflammation that is present during this process is documented. If the gum is pulling away from the teeth, some form of periodontal plastic surgery may be necessary to correct this problem.

  • The Teeth are Examined

    – each tooth, dental implant, filling, crown or other type of synthetic dental restoration will be evaluated. Each tooth’s position and proximity to one another is noted. In addition, plaque and tartar buildup will be assessed.

  • Bone Structure is Reviewed

    – Dr. Lamas may request that X-rays be taken. He can use these X-rays to evaluate the quality of the patient’s upper and lower jawbone. In addition, these images will allow Dr. William Lamas to see if there has been any loss of bone.

  • The Patient’s Bite is Evaluated

    – during this evaluation, the way a patient’s teeth come together when the mouth closes is checked. Dr. Lamas will be watching for moving and/or loose teeth, which may indicate periodontal disease.

An Experienced, Caring Periodontist at Lamas Dental Specialists in Miami

We know that people who fear the dentist are those who usually fall victim to gum disease: For this reason, at Lamas Dental Specialists, we offer sedation dentistry. There is no need to feel embarrassed about the way your teeth or mouth look, as specialists, we have helped individuals with varying degrees of periodontal disease; therefore, we have seen and addressed every stage of the disease.

Dr. William P. Lamas is a caring periodontist who has been serving Miami for more than 20 years. Dr. Lamas and his team of dental professionals are committed to providing their patients with the compassionate, high-quality care that they deserve.

If you think you have gingivitis, or a more advanced degree of gum disease, call Lamas Dental Specialists at 305-440-4114 to schedule your initial consultation. Once we address your gum disease, we can help you restore your smile with periodontal plastic surgery. Dr. Lamas’ office is located at 2645 Southwest 37th Avenue, Suite 304 in Miami, Florida.
