Laser Gum Contouring (Gum Lift) in Miami, FL

If your gums seem to come down too far on your upper teeth and/or come up higher than you think they should on your lower teeth, you may be a good candidate for a treatment that Dr. William P. Lamas performs at his Miami office, near Coral Gables. This revolutionary treatment is making a difference for people who want to improve their smiles, it is called laser gum contouring. This procedure is also referred to as periodontal plastic surgery and laser gum sculpting. Although this procedure is considered cosmetic, it is beneficial to the health of the mouth because overgrown gingival tissue (gum tissue) increases the risk of an individual developing gum disease.

Who Should Consider Laser Gum Contouring (Gum Lift)?

If you feel self-conscious because you have a gummy-looking smile and your teeth seem too small for your mouth, you should consider having periodontal plastic surgery. If your gingivae (gums) are uneven, look inflamed and/or your teeth look too short, you may want to consider having a laser gum contouring procedure with Dr. William P. Lamas at his office near Coral Gables.

Why Do I Have a Gummy-Looking Smile?

When the gingival tissue overgrows, it begins covering the teeth. This excess gingival tissue may develop because you have inherited this trait, due to a particular prescription medication you are currently taking or because of an underlying health issue. If this overgrown tissue is left untreated, it may begin holding bacteria and tartar. As tartar and bacteria build up beneath the gum line, your risk of developing gum disease (periodontitis) increases. Also, this overgrown tissue can speed up tooth decay.

Traditional Gum Contouring Procedures Required Scalpels and Stitches

Prior to the introduction of lasers, traditional gum contouring procedures required incisions and stitches. Today, numerous advancements in the cosmetic dentistry field have improved many of these procedures, making them less invasive and easier for the patient to tolerate.

Laser Gum Contouring (Gum Lift) is a Minimally Invasive Procedure to Address Overgrown Gingival Tissue

Dr. Lamas is dedicated to providing his patients with the most innovative procedures and state-of-the-art dental equipment available. For these reasons, Dr. William Lamas has become a Certified Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure® (LANAP®) Laser Periodontal Therapy Clinician. He is also a Doctor of Dental Medicine. LANAP® is perfect for addressing gummy-looking smiles and periodontitis.

Dr. Lamas can use laser gum contouring to address a variety of gingival problems, including overgrown gingival tissue. Removing excess tissue will improve the way the patient’s smile looks because by removing the excess gingival tissue, the teeth appear longer. They appear longer because the portion of the tooth that had been hidden beneath the gingival tissue is now visible. The LANAP® procedure is safe, effective and virtually painless. In addition, this periodontal plastic surgery procedure offers patients a high rate of success.

Laser Gum Contouring (Gum Lift) with Dr. William P. Lamas in Miami

LANAP® procedures are performed at Lamas Dental Specialists on an outpatient basis and since you will not receive sedation, you will be able to drive yourself home after your procedure.

What are the Benefits of Laser Gum Contouring (Gum Lift)?

Using this innovative procedure, Dr. William P. Lamas carefully addresses the overgrown and/or uneven line of gingival tissue by using the laser to gently remove very small pieces of tissue. Even with the removal of very little gingival tissue drastic results can be obtained. Although this procedure can be performed multiple times, many patients only need one periodontal plastic surgery procedure to attain the look they desire.

Excess Gingival Tissue Could Be Damaging Your Teeth

Excess gingival tissue can make benefiting from good dental hygiene practices a challenge. Even if you follow a regular oral hygiene routine and keep up with your dental cleanings, the portion of your teeth resting beneath the gingivae are at risk of decay. If you have overgrown gingival tissue, your risk of developing periodontitis increases. For this reason, Dr. Lamas recommends eliminating the excess gingival tissue early on through periodontal plastic surgery to help prevent the development of future dental problems. To schedule your initial consultation with Dr. William P. Lamas at his Miami office, near Coral Gables, call 305-440-4114.

A Initial Consultation for Laser Gum Contouring (Gum Lift) in Miami

When you arrive at Lamas Dental Specialists in Miami, near Coral Gables, for your consultation, you will need to fill out some forms. These forms are important because Dr. Lamas needs to know about the medications you are currently taking, your medical history, previous surgeries as well as any prior dental issues you experienced and dental treatments you have already had.

Please be prepared for Dr. William P. Lamas to examine your mouth. He may also wish to take X-rays so he can evaluate the structure of your teeth and jawbone.

If, after your examination, Dr. Lamas believes that you will benefit from a laser gum contouring procedure and you choose to move forward with treatment, Dr. Lamas will create a personalized treatment plan just for you. Once Dr. Lamas creates your personalized treatment plan, your periodontal plastic surgery procedure will be scheduled.

Please keep in mind that if Dr. Lamas finds any other dental issues while examining your mouth, those issues will also be discussed during your initial consultation.

The LANAP® treatment protocol for laser gum contouring in Miami, near Coral Gables:

1. Before your procedure begins, Dr. William P. Lamas will give you local anesthesia.

2. He may use a special marker, which was designed specifically for use by dental professionals, to make notations on your gingivae before your laser gum contouring procedure. Once your anesthesia has started working, your procedure can begin.

3. A tiny laser, about the thickness of three human hairs, allows Dr. Lamas to have complete control over the movement of the laser. Dr. William Lamas aims the laser directly at the area of overgrown tissue. The LANAP® beam is very precise, which allows Dr. Lamas to maintain complete control over every movement; thus, ensuring that the only changes being made to your smile are to sections of your gingival tissue that are actually overgrown.

When Dr. William P. Lamas uses the LANAP® treatment protocol, there is no need for incisions. Furthermore, immediately after the excess tissue is removed, the laser seals off the area. By closing these areas immediately, concerns related to bleeding and infection are eliminated. Since the laser automatically seals the area after removing the excess gingival tissue, no sutures are needed.

After your LANAP® procedure is complete, you can return to work, school or just drive yourself home.

Potential Risks of Laser Gum Contouring (Gum Lift) in Miami (Coral Gables)

Periodontal plastic surgery with LANAP® has very few risks; therefore, the likelihood of experiencing a problem is extremely small. Even so, knowing potential complications before having any procedure is important.

Potential complications related LANAP® for overgrown gingivae include:

  • an eventual regrowth of the removed gingival tissue; and/or
  • an allergic reaction to the anesthesia.

What to Expect During Recovery Following a Laser Gum Contouring (Gum Lift) Procedure

The time necessary to recover after a laser contouring procedure using the LANAP® is short-lived, lasting only about a week.

As you recover from your laser gum contouring procedure, you should expect to experience:

  • some tenderness;
  • slight discomfort; and/or
  • inflammation.

These symptoms can be addressed with over-the-counter medications.

Recovery Tips

Eat a Soft Diet for a Few Days

If you eat a soft diet for several days, you limit the risk of putting unnecessary pressure on your gingivae or poking them. In addition, this gives your gingival tissue a little extra time to heal. Consider eating a diet that is full of cool, soft foods.

Recommended soft foods include:

  • gelatin;
  • pudding;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • ice cream that does not have any nuts, fruit or chocolate pieces in it;
  • pasta;
  • applesauce;
  • scrambled eggs;
  • soft vegetables; and
  • yogurt that does not have any kind of fruit with tiny seeds (e.g., strawberries and raspberries, etc.).

Avoiding foods containing tiny seeds is essential because these seeds could become embedded within the gingival tissue as it is attempting to heal. You should also wait until your gingival tissue has completely healed to start eating spicy foods again.

Take the Day Off of School or Work

You could head to work or school following your laser gum contouring procedure; however, limiting your activity the day of your procedure is best. By resting, you help your body heal itself. Many of Dr. Lamas’ patients state that knowing they were able to head home following their laser gum contouring treatment helped them feel less stressed before, during and after their contouring session.

Use Salt Water Rinses

Using salt water rinses after you eat can aid in the healing process and prevent infection. Whether you eat a snack or a meal, gently rinsing with a salt water solution helps loosen food particles that remain so you can spit them out.

Salt Water Solution for Rinsing

In a cup, combine:

  • 8 fl. oz warm water;
  • 1 capful hydrogen peroxide; and
  • 1 tsp salt.

At any point that you think a salt water rinse will be helpful, as long as you rinse gently, you can go ahead and use it.

If Possible, Use Over-the-Counter Medications to Address Tenderness

If your gums are tender, you might be able to use medications like Motrin/Advil or Acetaminophen/Tylenol to alleviate the tenderness. However, before taking any of these medications, if you are taking any other medications, or you are allergic to the medications listed here, speak with your physician and/or pharmacist before starting any over-the-counter medication.

You Should Expect Some Scabbing

Do not be alarmed once your gingival tissue begins to scab: This is part of the natural healing process and it will not affect your final results.

Why Dr. William P. Lamas Offers Laser Gum Contouring (Gum Lift)

Dr. Lamas offers his patients laser gum contouring at his office in Miami, near Coral Gables, so he can help people feel good about laughing and smiling again. Directly after their laser gum contouring procedure, patients look in the mirror and see that their teeth are now longer and their gingival tissue is even. This results in a big, bright, more balanced looking smile. For most people, the results that are achieved through laser gum contouring are permanent.

Reasons People Choose Lamas Dental Specialists in Miami, Near Coral Gables

For two decades, Dr. Lamas has been serving the residents of South Florida. Dr. William P. Lamas is devoted to providing patients with the most advanced dental treatments available. This devotion has made him a top periodontist in the Miami area, including Coral Gables. Each of the staff members at Lamas Dental Specialists is committed to giving every patient the compassionate, high-quality care that they deserve.

If you have overgrown gingival tissue or currently have periodontitis, Dr. William P. Lamas and his staff can help you attain the smile you have always wanted. To learn more, schedule your initial consultation today by contacting Lamas Dental Specialists in Miami, near Coral Gables, at 305-440-4114.
